Maddy CurtisFeb 25, 20191 min readPlanks aren't doing it anymore?Dead Bugs (The new and improved plank?) You may think dead bugs are easy...lying on the floor to workout doesn’t exactly come across as...
Maddy CurtisFeb 20, 20192 min readAll About Being Gluten FreeToday marks the day that I have been completely gluten-free for one and a half years. I wanted to talk about how much better I have felt...
Maddy CurtisFeb 12, 20191 min readALL ABOUT MADDYHi there, Maddy here! Back in September 2018, I started University when I arrived I challenged myself to live a healthier life. Since...
Maddy CurtisFeb 12, 20191 min readHOW I START EVERY MORNINGCoffee is my favourite way to start the morning! Coffee is the best way to start anyones morning. Truth. I’m usually all about a nice cup...
Maddy CurtisFeb 12, 20192 min readBEST PLACES I FIND MY WORKOUTSOver the past 5 months I've found it very hard to find new workouts that keep me wanting to go back to the gym. After I found some places...
Maddy CurtisFeb 12, 20193 min readHOW TO PROPERLY FUEL YOUR WORKOUTEMBRACE YOUR CARBS...HEALTHY CARBS I can't be stress this enough! There seems to be a fear of carbs these days, but research shows carbs...